The Other Door

WelcomePlease come inConversation food and laughsFriendship offered Time passesChats at the coffee shopTexts aboundA return invite not found Knocking at my doorWelcome yet againAt my doorLooking for the other doorWhere you will welcome me

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

You walk into almost any organization, and what do you almost certainly see shortly after arrival? A plaque, or a rotating slide show of the company’s mission, vision, values. You lean in closer to read them while you wait for the person you’re interviewing with to pick you up from the lobby. Reflection: Upon reading…

Voice: The Gift of a Question

Why do people ask questions at work? Is it because they weren’t paying attention? Might they be new to a job or process? Could they be curious? Is it possible they are seeking to understand before offering an idea? Think about the last five questions people at work have asked you: Did it matter who…

Voice: Accountability Speaks

Part 1 in a series on Voice.  Communication is loud, whether through words, actions, or silence.  After a return to the corporate world, the concept of ‘voice’ has been a consistent source of reflection; the voice that is heard and the voice that is not. Where can you use your voice? Where do you make…

In or Out?

Today marks three years of being “back inside.” Working as an employee inside of an organization, that is, after 7 years of being an “outside” consultant as an owner of my own learning & development firm. First, let me acknowledge that I am forever grateful for having the space & opportunity to choose – I…

Keep on Shooting

Sometimes, we don’t “get things right” on the first, second, or even multiple attempts. How do you keep persevering when things aren’t going your way, or seem more challenging than you expected? Recently I attended my son’s 7th grade basketball game. Both teams just began their seasons within the last 2 weeks, and were pretty…